History of the United States (1991–present)

History of the United States

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United States Portal

The history of the United States from 1991 to present began after the fall of the Soviet Union which signaled the end of the Cold War and led into the United States' heightened military involvement in the Middle East. The U.S. expelled an Iraqi invasion force from Kuwait, a Middle Eastern ally of the U.S., in the 1991 Gulf War. Trailing the early 1990s recession, the Democrats returned to the White House with the election of Bill Clinton in 1992. In the 1994 midterm election the Republicans gained control of Congress for the first time in 40 years. Strife between Clinton and the Republicans in Congress initially resulted in a federal government shutdown following a budget crisis, but later they worked together to pass welfare reform, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and a balanced budget. Charges from the Lewinsky scandal led to the 1998 impeachment of Clinton by the House of Representatives but he was later acquitted by the Senate. The U.S. economy boomed in the enthusiasm for high-technology industries in the 1990s until the NASDAQ crashed as the dot-com bubble burst and the early 2000s recession marked the end of the sustained economic growth.

In 2000, Republican George W. Bush was elected president in one of the closest and most controversial elections in U.S. history. Early in his term, his administration approved education reform and a large across-the-board tax cut aimed at stimulating the economy. Following the September 11 attacks in 2001, the U.S. embarked on the War on Terror, first invading Afghanistan and then Iraq again, which deposed the controversial regime of Saddam Hussein. The Homeland Security Department was formed and the Patriot Act was passed to bolster domestic efforts against terrorism. In 2006, criticism over the handling of the disastrous Hurricane Katrina (which struck the Gulf Coast region in 2005), political scandals, and dwindling patience among the American public regarding the Iraq War helped the Democrats gain control of Congress. In 2007, President Bush ordered a troop surge in Iraq, which led to reduced casualties and significant victories for coalition forces. The collapse of the housing bubble, which led into the late-2000s recession, helped the Democrats gain the presidency in 2008 with the election of Barack Obama. The government enacted large loans and economic stimulus packages aimed at improving the economy. Obama's domestic initiatives also included the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which made large reforms to the American healthcare system. President Obama eventually withdrew combat troops from Iraq, and shifted the country's efforts in the War on Terror to Afghanistan, where a troop surge was initiated there in 2009. In 2010, due to public discontent with the economic situation, unemployment, and federal spending, Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives and reduced the Democratic majority in the Senate. In 2011, Obama announced that al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces during a covert operation in Pakistan. The Iraq War was declared formally over in 2011.


Globalization and the new economy

Clinton's terms in office will be remembered for the nation's domestic focus during this period. The six years span of 1994 through 2000 witnessed the emergence of what many commentators called a technology-driven "new economy", and relatively high increases in real output, low inflation rates, and a drop in unemployment to below five percent. The Internet and related technologies made their first broad penetrations into the economy, prompting a Wall Street technology-driven bubble, which Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan described in 1996 as "irrational exuberance".[1]

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States was the world's dominant military power and Japan, sometimes seen as the largest economic rival to the U.S., was caught in a period of stagnation. China was emerging as the U.S.'s foremost trading competitor in more and more areas. Localized conflicts such as those in Haiti and the Balkans prompted President Bill Clinton to send in U.S. troops as peacekeepers, reviving the Cold-War-era controversy about whether policing the rest of the world was a proper U.S. role. Islamic radicals overseas loudly threatened assaults against the U.S. for its ongoing military presence in the Middle East, and even staged the first World Trade Center attack, a truck bombing in New York's twin towers, in 1993, as well as a number of deadly attacks on U.S. interests abroad.

Immigration, most of it from Latin America and Asia, swelled during the 1990s, laying the groundwork for great changes in the demographic makeup of the U.S. population in coming decades, such as Hispanics replacing African-Americans as the largest minority. Despite tougher border scrutiny after the September 11 attacks, nearly 8 million immigrants came to the United States from 2000 to 2005—more than in any other five-year period in the nation's history.[2] Almost half entered illegally.[3]

Dot-com bubble

Early 2000 to 2001 saw the dramatic bursting of the dot-com bubble. Excitement over the prospects of Internet stocks had led to huge increases in the major indexes. On March 10, 2000 the NASDAQ peaked at 5,048.62,[4] more than double its value just a year before. The massive initial batch of sell orders processed on Monday, March 13 triggered a chain reaction of selling that fed on itself as investors, funds, and institutions liquidated positions. In just six days, the NASDAQ had lost nearly nine percent, falling to 4,580 on March 15. The poor results of Internet retailers following the 1999 Christmas season may have been first unequivocal and public evidence that the "Get Rich Quick" Internet strategy was flawed for most companies. These retailers' results were made public in March when annual and quarterly reports of public firms were released. By 2001, the bubble was deflating at full speed. A majority of the dot-coms ceased trading after burning through their venture capital, many having never made a profit.


First Iraq War

The considerable dependence of the industrialized world on oil, with much of the proved oil reserves situated in Middle Eastern countries, became evident to the U.S., first in the aftermath of the 1973 world oil shock and later in the second energy crisis of 1979. Although in real terms oil prices fell back to pre-1973 levels through the 1980s, resulting in a windfall for the oil-consuming nations (especially North America, Western Europe, and Japan), the vast reserves of the leading Middle East producers guaranteed the region its strategic importance. By the early 1990s the politics of oil still proved as hazardous as it did in the early 1970s.

Conflict in the Middle East triggered yet another international crisis on August 2, 1990, when Iraq invaded and attempted to annex neighboring Kuwait. U.S. officials feared that Hussein was then on the verge of armed conflict with oil-rich Saudi Arabia, a close ally of Washington's since the 1940s. The United Nations condemned the invasion as an act of aggression; Bush compared Hussein to Adolf Hitler and declared that if the United States and international community did not act, aggression would be encouraged elsewhere in the world. The Security Council to give Iraq a deadline to leave Kuwait; he ignored it; the Security Council declared war on Iraq. The war began in January 1991, with U.S. troops forming the majority of the coalition which participated in Operation Desert Storm. By the time Iraqi troops withdrew from Kuwait in late February, Iraq had lost approximately 20,000 troops, with some sources citing as many as 100,000 casualties on the Iraqi side.

Conflicts in Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Middle East

In December 1992, President Bush ordered sent troops to join the UN Operation Restore Hope, a multi-national effort to restore order and provide humanitarian aid in Somalia, which was torn by civil war, famine, and warlords. By the summer of 1993, the situation had deteriorated. After 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed in June 1993, the UN passed a resolution calling for the arrest and trial of those responsible for the attack. Under the leadership of newly-elected President Bill Clinton, U.S. forces launched a concentrated attack on Aidid's stronghold in Mogadishu in Operation Gothic Serpent. In October 1993, 19 soldiers were killed and 84 were wounded in the Battle of Mogadishu. After the attack, Clinton ordered U.S. forces withdrawn from the region, with the last being withdrawn by 1995, and fired his Secretary of Defense Les Aspin who had not sent adequate forces.[5]

In the mid 1990s, the United States was involved in the Bosnian War through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), most notably the 1995 bombing campaign, which finally led to the Dayton Agreement which ended the war by the end of 1995. In late 1998, the region became volatile again as war erupted between the army of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Liberation Army, a guerrilla group. A 1999 NATO bombing campaign struck Yugoslavia, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Yugoslavian soldiers and civilians. As a result, Yugoslavia withdrew from Kosovo and Kosovo became an independent state.[6]

President Clinton also presided over cruise missile strikes on Iraq in 1996 and bombing attacks on Iraq in 1998, which were launched in response to Saddam Hussein's violation of several UN resolutions, including repression of ethnic minorities (Kurds) and removing UN weapons inspectors. The 1998 campaign, in particular, was meant to de-stabilize the Iraqi government and degrade the power of Hussein. Clinton also signed the Iraq Liberation Act to appropriate funds to Iraqi opposition groups in the hopes of overthrowing Hussein's regime and establishing democracy.

Throughout the 1990s, the United States also played an active role in peace efforts in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. President Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and Palestinian Prime Minister Yasser Arafat met and the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993, which called for the gradual ceding of control of Palestinian areas to the Palestinians in exchange for peace. However, Rabin was assassinated in 1995 and by 2000, the Camp David Summit failed to yield a new agreement when Arafat rejected new Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's 95% offer, which would give Palestine control of 95% of their territories with the condition that refugees that had fled Palestine since 1948 cannot return. Arafat never made a counter-offer. In the 2000s (decade), under the leadership of President George W. Bush, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, and Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, peace talk efforts continued with the new "road map for peace".[7]

Early al-Qaeda attacks

1993 began a series of increasingly high-profile attacks associated with al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization led by Osama bin Laden. On February 26, 1993, a truck bomb was detonated at the World Trade Center in New York City, killing 6 and injuring over 1000. The attack was intended to destroy the foundation of the North Tower, knocking the tower into the South Tower, which would destroy both buildings and kill thousands of people. While this did not happen, the bomb caused considerable damage to the lower levels of the North Tower. In 1994, four men were convicted in carrying out the bombing and in 1997, two men were convicted for their roles, including the truck driver and the mastermind, Ramzi Yousef.

On June 25, 1996, al-Qaeda terrorists bombed the Khobar Towers, a complex in Saudi Arabia where members of the U.S. military were being housed, killing 19 American servicemen and injuring over 300.

Al-Qaeda bombed the U.S. Embassy in Kenya on August 7, 1998, killing 224 people, including 12 Americans. The U.S. launched cruise missile strikes on a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan, yet this failed to destroy al-Qaeda's vast network. In October 2000, al-Qaeda militants bombed the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen, killing 17 servicemen and severely damaging the ship.[8]

September 2001 attacks

On the morning of September 11, 2001, four airliners were hijacked; two of them were flown into the World Trade Center towers in New York City and another into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, destroying both towers and taking just under 3,000 lives. The fourth plane crashed in southern Pennsylvania after some passengers fought back and are believed to have caused the piloting hijackers to crash. The immense shock, grief and anger brought on by the attacks profoundly altered the national mood; it was found that Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist network sponsored the attacks and President Bush announced a "war on terror".

Congress approved several measures to protect against future attacks, including creating the Department of Homeland Security and passing the USA PATRIOT Act, which was criticized by groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union. The administration's military response was to invade Afghanistan on October 7, 2001, targeting al-Qaeda and the Taliban government that supported and sheltered them. The U.S. was joined by a coalition which included forces from more than a dozen countries, and was successful in removing the Taliban from power, although fighting continues between the coalition and Afghans of various factions.

In 2002, the GDP growth rate rose to 2.8%. A major short-term problem in the first half of 2002 was a sharp decline in the stock market, fueled in part by the exposure of dubious accounting practices in some major corporations. Another was unemployment, which experienced the longest period of monthly increase since the Great Depression. The United States recovered from the post-9/11 recession between 2003 and 2005, but the robustness of the market, combined with the unemployment rate, led some economists and politicians to refer to the situation as a "jobless recovery".

Second Iraq War

In his State of the Union address in January 2002, President George W. Bush called Iran, Iraq, and North Korea an "axis of evil".[9] The Bush administration later began making a public case for an invasion of Iraq, accusing them of violating the 1991 UN-imposed ceasefire, supporting terrorism and being in possession of weapons of mass destruction(these accussations were later proven to be false).[10]

Some important allies of the U.S., including India, Japan, Turkey, New Zealand, France, Germany, and Canada, did not believe that the evidence for the President's accusations was well-founded enough to justify a full-scale invasion, especially as military personnel were still needed in Afghanistan. The UN Security Council did not approve of the invasion, and the U.S. therefore provided most of the forces in the invasion of Iraq. With the support of a coalition whose major partners included the United Kingdom, Australia, Poland, Spain, and Italy, Iraq was invaded on March 20, 2003.

After six weeks of combat between the coalition and the Iraqi army, the invading forces had secured control of many key regions; Hussein had fled his palace, his regime clearly over; on May 1, Bush declared, under a sign reading "mission accomplished", that major ground operations were at an end. Saddam Hussein's sons Qusay and Uday were killed by U.S. forces; Saddam himself was captured in December 2003 and taken into custody. Nevertheless, fighting with the Iraqi insurgency continued and escalated through the 2004 U.S. national elections and beyond.

With casualties increasing and the cost of the invasion and reconstruction of Iraq estimated at over $200 billion, the war has lost about one-third of its supporters in the U.S. since the end of major operations was announced. Contemporary polls suggested that international displeasure with the United States was at an all-time high, with a majority of people in Europe believing that the country was too powerful and acted mainly in self-interest, and a vast majority in predominantly Muslim nations believing that the United States was arrogant, belligerent, or hateful to Islam.[11]

As the situation in Iraq became increasingly difficult, policymakers began looking for new options. This led to the formation of the Iraq Study Group, a nonpartisan commission chaired by James Baker and Lee H. Hamilton. This produced a variety of proposals; some of the more notable ones were to seek decreased US presence in Iraq, increased engagement with neighboring countries, and greater attention to resolving other local conflicts, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The recommendations were generally ignored, and instead, Bush ordered a surge of troops to Iraq in 2007 and 2008. Violence in the country declined in 2008 and 2009, and the U.S. combat role ended in August 2010. U.S. forces were withdrawn in large numbers in 2009 and 2010, and the war was declared formally over in December 2011.[12]

Domestic terrorism

The 1990s and 2000s (decade) became known for several incidents of domestic terrorism, usually perpetrated by those dissatisfied with actions of the federal government, big business, or other aspects of American society.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, a mysterious man known in the media as the "Unabomber" sent mail bombs to figures in the academic and airline industries for various reasons. After a lull, he began another mail bombing campaign in earnest, beginning in 1993. His targets expanded to include big businesses such as representatives of the timber and oil industries. Two people were killed in the mid 1990s and an exhaustive and expensive investigation by the FBI coupled with intense national media interest in the story resulted in the identification and arrest of the perpetrator Theodore Kaczynski, who was sentenced to life in prison.

On April 19, 1995, a truck bomb was detonated outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, killing 168 people and injuring over 600. The bombing became the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in the United States and led to sweeping reforms in United States federal building security. The attack's perpetrator, Timothy McVeigh, was an anti-government extremist who used the Waco Siege and Ruby Ridge incidents as justification for his retaliation against the federal government.[13] While McVeigh wanted to specifically target federal agents, the bombing killed many innocent civilians, including 19 children. McVeigh was executed in 2001 and his accomplice Terry Nichols was sentenced to life in prison.

In July 1996, in the midst of the 1996 Summer Olympics at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia, a homemade bomb was detonated, resulting in the deaths of 2 people and injuring over 100. This was followed by similar attacks at two abortion clinics and a lesbian nightclub. In 2003, suspect Eric Robert Rudolph was arrested and sentenced in 2005 to five life sentences for these attacks.

In 2001, only days after the September 11 attacks, letters laced with anthrax were sent to several individuals, including prominent news personalities and government officials. The letters killed 5 people and infected a further 17. This incident of bioterrorism was initially blamed on international terrorist organization al-Qaeda, but in 2008, was determined to stem from a Maryland scientist by the name of Bruce Edward Ivins, who committed suicide before he could be prosecuted.

Crime and violence

In the early 1990s, the U.S. violent crime rate reached its peak before a steady decline began around 1993. Nevertheless, the ongoing drug problem (involving sales of marijuana and cocaine) continued to be a major factor in crime in the United States. The overall rate of major crimes fell during the period. In 2009, the FBI estimated 1,318,000 violent crimes occurred nationwide, which was 7.5% below the 2000 level of 1,425,000 and 31% below the 1991 level of 1,912,000.[14]

In 1992, the Los Angeles riots occurred after four Los Angeles police officers were acquitted in the beating of black motorist Rodney King. The riots occurred primarily in South Central Los Angeles, a predominantly black and Hispanic area. Over 50 people were killed and 2000 were injured. Two prominent examples of the carnage were Reginald Denny and Fidel Lopez, who were nearly beat to death by savage mobs. 3,600 fires were set, destroying over 1,000 buildings and widespread looting occurred, especially of businesses owned by the Korean American community. In all, nearly $1 billion in damage was caused. Then-president George H. W. Bush denounced the rioting and worked with the Governor of California Pete Wilson and Los Angeles mayor Tom Bradley to restore order. A curfew was established and 4,000 National Guardsmen were deployed, in addition to law enforcement agents and fire service personnel from several agencies.[15]

In the 1990s and 2000s (decade), a surge of hate crimes against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community occurred in the United States. The most publicized incident was the murder of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming after two young men kidnapped, tortured, and murdered him near the University of Wyoming in 1998. Despite public awareness, many American gay youths continued to experience bullying among their peers, and some were even driven to suicide. Organizations such as the It Gets Better Project and the Trevor Project were created to help LGBT youths. In 2009, Congress passed the Matthew Shepard Act which extended the hate crime law to women, the disabled, and gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transexuals.

A spate of school shootings rocked the country in the late 1990s and 2000s (decade), the deadliest and most prominent of which were the Westside Middle School massacre (1998), the Columbine High School massacre (1999), the Red Lake High School massacre (2005), the Amish school shooting (2006), the Virginia Tech massacre (2007), and the Northern Illinois University shooting (2008). These shootings added fuel to the fire for the debates over gun politics and media violence, and led to increased focus on mental health, school safety, and anti-bullying.

The Capital Region was struck by the Beltway sniper attacks, a series of sniper attacks on civilians and federal workers by two gunmen over a month-long period in October 2002. The attackers killed 10 people and injured three. The suspects, John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo, were taken into custody on October 24, 2002 and sentenced a year later. Muhammad was executed in 2009 and Malvo received six life sentences.[16]

In November 2009, U.S. Army major Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 fellow servicemen and injured 30 in the Fort Hood shooting in Killeen, Texas. While the act was called terrorism by some due to Hasan's Muslim heritage, the attack was ruled out by the FBI to have been perpetrated by a terrorist organization.

On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords was the target of an assassination attempt, when a gunman went on a shooting spree, critically injuring Giffords, killing federal judge John Roll and five other people, and wounding at least 14 others, at a "Congress on Your Corner" event Giffords was hosting in suburban Tucson, Arizona.


Natural disasters

On August 24, 1992, the category-five Hurricane Andrew made landfall in South Florida, devastating the southern suburbs of Miami, including Homestead, Kendall, and Cutler Ridge. Two days later, the storm made landfall again in a sparsely populated part of Louisiana, with relatively less damage than in Florida. The storm killed 26 people directly, 39 indirectly. With $26 billion in damage, it became the costliest storm in history at that time. The storm was known for many controversies including the sluggish federal response, which may have impacted President George H.W. Bush's image on domestic issues, as well as poor housing construction which may have led to such high levels of destruction.

In March 1993, a massive storm, known as the "Storm of the Century" or "Superstorm" struck the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. The storm set low pressure records; produced hurricane-force winds, storm surge, and killer tornadoes in Florida; and produced snowfall up to 2 feet (61 cm) across many portions of the Eastern United States. The storm was particularly crippling to the Southern United States, where places like Birmingham, Alabama received one-and-a-half feet of snow and record low temperatures, highly unusual for the region. In all, 300 deaths were attributed to the storm and $6 billion in damage was caused.

The Great Flood of 1993 affected the Midwestern United States in the spring and summer of that year, devastating large portions of the Mississippi and Missouri River Valleys and their tributaries. Many small towns were devastated and agricultural losses were significant. 10,000 homes were destroyed and 15 million acres (61,000 km2) of agricultural lands were inundated. 50 people perished in the floods and $15 billion in damage was done.

In the early morning hours of January 17, 1994, the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles was hit by a 6.7 magnitude earthquake, known as the "Northridge earthquake". The quake killed more than 70 people and injured 9,000. Most of the fatalities were attributed to collapsed buildings, parking structures, or freeways. Striking an urban area, it was very destructive, causing $20 billion in damage.

In July 1995, the city of Chicago was hit by a heat wave that had severe repercussions. During a five-day spell from July 12 to July 16, the high temperature hovered from the mid 90s to the mid 100s. The heat index pushed 120 degrees on many days. The heat wave resulted in the deaths of over 700 people, many of whom were black, elderly, or poor. The event brought increased attention to these segments of the population and the importance of reaching out to them during heat waves, as well as the concept of the urban heat island effect, in which urban environments exacerbate heat and humidity levels. Additionally, power failures and lack of adequate warning and general preparedness aggravated the situation and may have contributed to such high fatalities.

In January 1996, the Blizzard of 1996 affected the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic United States, dumping up to 36 inches (91 cm) of snow on many areas, crippling major American cities like Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York City, and Boston. The storm killed 150 people and caused $3 billion in damages.

On May 3, 1999, a violent tornado outbreak struck the Southern Great Plains, predominantly Oklahoma. The most destructive tornado was an F5 tornado that struck Oklahoma City and the suburb of Moore. The tornado is one of the most prominent examples of a tornado striking a major urban area and became the first tornado to incur over $1 billion in damages. In all, the outbreak resulted in 50 deaths and over 600 injuries.

In 2004, four hurricanes--Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne--struck the state of Florida in a one-month timespan, resulting in over 100 U.S. deaths and nearly $50 billion in damage combined. Out of the four hurricanes, Ivan was the deadliest in the U.S., while Charley was the most destructive.

2005 brought the most active Atlantic hurricane season in recorded history. In August 2005, the powerful Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast region. Katrina broke the levees of New Orleans, Louisiana and flooded 80% of the low-lying city. Extensive devastation and flooding also occurred from Mobile, Alabama west to Beaumont, Texas, with the Mississippi coastline especially hard hit. At least 1,800 lives were lost in the worst domestic calamity since the 1928 Okeechobee hurricane. Port facilities, oil rigs and refineries in the Gulf region were damaged, further increasing already high U.S. fuel prices. Residents of New Orleans, many of whom were impoverished and unable (or unwilling) to evacuate before the storm, were trapped for days by the flood waters. Tens of thousands had to be rescued by the U.S. military from their rooftops or from unsanitary and dangerous shelters in public buildings. State and local authorities were overwhelmed by the scale of the events. Their response to the disaster, as well the federal government's, were harshly criticized by legislators and citizens who saw in the confusion a dangerous lack of readiness and inability to preserve public safety. President Bush promised that the federal government would underwrite the rebuilding of New Orleans and other storm-damaged areas, the cost of which was estimated to run as high as $200 billion. Only weeks after Katrina, Hurricane Rita struck the Texas/Louisiana border in September. Rita caused the largest evacuation in U.S. history, as millions of people fled the Houston area, as well as portions of Louisiana. Rita resulted in over 100 fatalities, the vast majority of which were indirect, occurring during the evacuation or in the aftermath of the storm. Additionally, $10 billion in damage was attributed to Rita. Later in the season, Hurricane Wilma struck the state of Florida in October 2005, killing 35 people and doing $20 billion worth of damage. The storm yielded the lowest pressure value ever recorded in history before making landfall in Florida, making it the most intense storm on record.

On Super Tuesday in February 2008, in the midst of heated primary elections in multiple states, a destructive tornado outbreak hit the Mid-South region, spawning dangerous nighttime twisters across the region. A total of 87 tornadoes were reported. Over 60 people were killed across Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, and Alabama and hundreds were injured. Losses exceeded $1 billion. The outbreak was the deadliest outbreak in the U.S. in 23 years, and brought renewed attention to the dangers of nighttime tornadoes, winter tornadoes, and the vulnerability of populations in the Southern United States.

In September 2008, after two straight years of not being affected by a serious hurricane, Hurricane Gustav caused $18 billion in damage in Louisiana, and a few weeks later, the Galveston, Texas and Houston, Texas areas were devastated by Hurricane Ike with over $31 billion in damage, making Ike the third most destructive hurricane ever to hit the United States behind Hurricanes Andrew and Katrina. Over 100 people were killed. The hurricanes also caused gas prices to spike to around $4 per gallon.

In the spring of 2011, several major tornado outbreaks affected the Central and Southern United States. 43 people were killed in a tornado outbreak from April 14–16.[17][18] Approximately 350+ people were killed in a tornado outbreak from April 25 - April 28, the deadliest U.S. tornado outbreak in 75 years (since the 1936 Tupelo-Gainesville tornado outbreak).[19][20][21][22] States particularly hit hard by the outbreaks included Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, and most especially, Alabama, which sustained over 250 fatalities alone. The latter outbreak produced $10 billion in damage, making it the costliest tornado outbreak in history.[23] On May 22, an EF5 tornado devastated Joplin, Missouri, killing 154, injuring over 1,000 people, and causing $1–3 billion in damage, making it the deadliest single U.S. tornado in 64 years and the costliest single tornado of all time.[24][25]

In August 2011, Hurricane Irene was the first hurricane to make landfall since Ike in 2008, striking the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, making landfalls in North Carolina, New Jersey, and New York. The storm killed at least 45 people and caused $10 billion in damage. The storm was particularly notable for its extensive flooding in the Northeast, and a couple days later, Tropical Storm Lee made landfall in Louisiana, its remnants tracking to the Northeast for even more devastating floods.

Other disasters

Notable aviation disasters in the 1990s included TWA Flight 800 crashing off the coast of Long Island, en route to Paris, France, on July 17, 1996 due to an explosion of the fuel tank, killing 230 and EgyptAir Flight 990 crashing south of Nantucket, Massachusetts, en route to Cairo, Egypt, on October 31, 1999 due to deliberate crashing by the first officer, killing 217. Shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the second-deadliest U.S. aviation incident occurred when American Airlines Flight 587 crashed in Queens, New York, en route to the Dominican Republic, on November 12, 2001 due to overuse of rudder controls by the pilot to counteract turbulence, killing 265 (including 5 on the ground).

On February 1, 2003, the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated upon re-entry to the Earth over parts of Texas and Louisiana during STS-107, resulting in the deaths of all seven astronauts. The incident resulted from a piece of foam insulation that fell off during launch, which struck the shuttle, creating a hole that allowed hot gases to penetrate the shuttle during re-entry. In the aftermath of the disaster, the space shuttle program was suspended for 29 months as NASA investigated the incident and made plans to prevent future tragedies.

On February 17, 2003, a stampede occurred at the E2 nightclub in Chicago, after an incident involving pepper spray, resulting in the deaths of 21 people. Three days later, on February 20, 100 people perished and over 200 were injured in The Station nightclub fire in West Warwick, Rhode Island, when pyrotechnics ignited flammable sound-proofing during a performance by the band Great White. Both incidents brought attention to the need to crack down on building, fire, and safety code violations to prevent future tragedies. A porch collapse that killed 13 and seriously injured 57 in June 2003 in Chicago further emphasized the problems with building code violations in the United States.

On August 1, 2007, the I-35W Mississippi River bridge in Minneapolis collapsed into the Mississippi River, killing 13 people and injuring over 50. The bridge was under construction at the time. The incident brought to attention the need to inspect and rehabilitate the aging infrastructure system in the United States.

On April 20, 2010, an off shore oil drilling rig, the Deepwater Horizon, exploded and burned off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico. Dozens of workers fled the flames and were rescued by lifeboats and helicopters, however 11 were killed and 17 were injured in the incident. The rig burned for 36 hours before sinking. On April 24, it was discovered that a damaged wellhead was leaking oil into the Gulf of Mexico at a rapid rate. For approximately 90 days, tens of thousands of barrels of oil leaked into the ocean every day, resulting in the largest oil spill in United States history. The wellhead was successfully contained in mid-July, stopping the flow, and efforts are ongoing to cap the wellhead and create a replacement well. Despite significant efforts to protect coastlines, the spill has had devastating impacts on the environment and the economies of the Gulf Coast states. The Obama administration has ordered rig owner BP responsible for all cleanup costs, which are expected to run in the tens of billions of dollars. The spill has resulted in negative public approval ratings of the U.S. government, the Obama administration, and BP, for their handling of the spill, with BP suffering the worst ratings.

Energy issues

After 1970 the U.S. began importing oil, as consumption kept rising and the nation's oil fields became less productive. Throughout the 1990s the world price of crude oil range between $10 and $40, and the average price at the pump did not exceed $1.40. Oil prices tripled after 2002, peaking at $147 in July 2008, about $4 dollars a gallon; the price has continued to fluctuate widely.[27] The theme of "energy independence" led to legislation mandating more fuel efficient autos—even electric vehicles—and more efficient use of energy, ranging from insulation to new light bulbs. Even worse than the high price, was the fear of shortages. Many proposals and pilot projects for replacement energy sources, from ethanol to wind power and solar power were discussed and, indeed, funded by Congress after 2000.[28] In the economic stimulus package signed by President Obama in early 2009, billions of dollars were allocated for research and development of new energy sources.

While public attention focused on supplies from the Middle East, the main source was actually Canada. After 2007, new methods of extraction opened up vast new deposits of oil in the Bakken Formation in North Dakota and Montana. As much as two trillion dollars worth of natural gas is potentially available in the Marcellus Formation deposits located in the historic 19th century oil fields in Appalachia, stretching from West Virginia through Pennsylvania into western New York. However, there is sharp debate underway regarding the environmental impact on the region's fresh water supply.[29] The question of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) was highly controversial, as Republican proposals were blocked by the Democrats in Congress.[30] Republicans in 2008 were campaigning for more offshore drilling, with the slogan "drill, baby, drill", but the 2010 Gulf oil spill put all new drilling on hold.


The Clinton administration

Riding high on the success of the first Gulf War, George H. W. Bush enjoyed very high approval ratings as president. However, economic recession and a reneged campaign pledge dogged Bush, sinking his formerly high approval ratings from the high 80s to the lower 40s and upper 30s. In the wake of Bush's political problems, Bill Clinton won the 1992 contest with 43% of the vote in a three way race against Bush's 38%. Independent candidate Ross Perot tapped the discontent of the electorate with both parties, drawing roughly evenly from both candidates[31] to receive a record 19% of the popular vote, but no electoral votes. Perot's result qualified his Reform Party to receive Federal Election Commission matching funds for campaign contributions in the 1996 election, thus laying the groundwork for another three-way race during the 1996 presidential election.

Clinton entered office as one of the youngest presidents in U.S. history and the first of the Baby Boom Generation to reach the White House. Promising to focus on and resolve some of the United States' many domestic issues, he entered office with high expectations. Immediately, however, he was troubled by controversy over the personal backgrounds of some of his appointees and by political clashes stemming from his announcement that he would permit homosexuals to serve in the U.S. military. The latter resulted in the "don't ask, don't tell" policy of the military.

These events in 1993 seemed to set the pattern for a man who would become one of the more divisive U.S. presidents, regarded with great affection by some and abhorrence by others. One early domestic victory of the Clinton administration was the enactment of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. The ban was widely decried by the Republican Party, who allowed it to lapse in 2004 while they controlled both Congress and the presidency.[32] Bill Clinton's proposal of a national health care system, championed by his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton,[33] ignited a political firestorm on the right, which vigorously opposed it on the general principle that government size should be reduced not expanded. The proposed system did not survive the debate.[33] However Hillary Clinton did succeed, along with a bipartisan coalition of members of congress, in establishing the Children's Health Insurance Program.

The Republican Congress

The New Deal, the Great Society, and Watergate helped solidify Democratic control of Congress, but the 1980s and early 1990s were a period of fragmentation of their coalition, when the popularity of Democratic incumbents as constituent servants masked growing disenchantment with Congress' governing capacities. Democrats suddenly lost control of the House and the Senate for the first time in four decades in the 1994 midterm elections. Once in power, House Republicans, led by Newt Gingrich, faced the difficulty of learning to govern after forty years as the minority party while simultaneously pursuing their "Contract with America", which they unveiled on the steps of Congress on September 27, 1994.

Year by year, polarization grew in Washington between the president and his adversaries on the right. There was a surge in the market of new media outlets that gave more voice to the right. Rush Limbaugh's radio talk show was a spectacular success and a major influence in the GOP legislative victory. The Weekly Standard was formed in 1995 and after the election of George W. Bush would advertise itself as the most read publication in the White House. These new media amplified the ever-louder quarrels, causing some to speak of a new "culture war" in U.S. politics. The more extreme[says who?] right-wing voices, which veered into uncompromising hostility toward the Federal government—particularly after the botched ATF raid on the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, were somewhat discredited,[says who?] however, after the Oklahoma City bombing, in April 1995, by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.

Along with strong backing from traditional Democrats and liberals, Clinton was able to garner the support of moderates who appreciated his centrist "New Democrat" policies, which steered away from the expansion of government services of the New Deal and Great Society and allowed him to "triangulate", taking away many of the Republicans' top issues. One example of such compromises was welfare reform legislation signed into law in 1996. The new law required welfare recipients to work as a condition of benefits and imposed limits on how long individuals may receive payments, but did allow states to exempt 20% of their caseloads from the time limits. Clinton also pursued tough[says who?] federal anti-crime measures, steering more federal dollars toward the war on drugs, and calling for the hiring of 100,000 new police officers. Compromise came with difficulty, though, as the parties failed to agree on a budget, causing the federal government to shut down in late 1995 into early 1996. By the end of his administration, the federal government had experienced the country's longest economic expansion and produced a budget surplus. The first year of the budget surplus was also the first year since 1969 in which the federal government did not borrow from the Social Security Trust Fund.

Clinton was reelected in 1996, defeating Republican Senator Bob Dole and Reform Party candidate Ross Perot, who did not repeat the success of his 1992 campaign.

Many voters in 1992 and 1996 had been willing to overlook long-standing rumors of extramarital affairs by Clinton, deeming them irrelevant. These matters came to a head, however, in February 1998 when reports surfaced of ongoing sexual relations between Clinton and a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. Clinton initially and vigorously denied the relationship; "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."[34] His wife Hillary described the allegations as fraudulent smears dredged up by a "vast right-wing conspiracy."[35] Clinton was forced to retract his assertions in August 1998 after the Lewinsky matter came under investigation by independent counsel Kenneth Starr, who had been looking into Clinton's involvement in the Whitewater controversy for several years. Since Clinton's denials had extended to a deposition before Starr's office, impeachment proceedings began in the House against the President on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.

The matter climaxed as Clinton was impeached in the United States House of Representatives, but acquitted at his trial by the U.S. Senate.[36] A public backlash occasioned Newt Gingrich to resign after a poor showing in the 1998 midterm elections. His heir apparent, Speaker-elect Bob Livingston, was forced to resign from Congress before impeachment proceedings began due to a confirmed report of his extramarital affairs. After the impeachment trial, a scandal-weary and embarrassed U.S. public seemed largely satisfied to have the matter resolved.

In 1999, Republican Dennis Hastert of Illinois became Speaker of the House, a position he would hold until 2007, making him the longest-serving Republican Speaker of the House.

The George W. Bush administration

Though his 2000 election had been the focus of intense controversy which led eventually to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Bush v. Gore where the court ruled 5–4 in the former's favor by siding with the State of Florida's official vote count, George W. Bush was sworn in as President on January 20, 2001. This made the 2000 election the third presidential election in which the electoral vote winner did not receive at least a plurality of the popular vote. The first eight months of his term in office were relatively uneventful; however, it had become clear by that time that the economic boom of the late 1990s was at an end. The year 2001 was plagued by a nine-month recession, witnessing the end of the boom psychology and performance, with output increasing only 0.3% and unemployment and business failures rising substantially. Prior to his 2000 election, Bush campaigned largely on domestic issues, and early in his term, he signed a $1.3 trillion federal tax cut with the intent of revitalizing the economy as well as the No Child Left Behind Act education reform bill.

On September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners and attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in the September 11 attacks, killing nearly 3,000 and injuring over 6,000 people. Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the attacks. President Bush ordered all flights grounded and U.S. airspace remained closed for the rest of the week. An emergency bailout package for the airline industry was passed, and stocks fell dramatically when markets re-opened the following week. In response to the attacks, the Bush administration and Congress passed the controversial USA PATRIOT Act, aimed at enhancing security, and established the Department of Homeland Security, a mass consolidation of many federal agencies charged with investigation, intelligence, and emergency management. A new Terrorist Finance Tracking Program monitored the movements of terrorists' financial resources but was discontinued after being revealed by The New York Times.[37] Telecommunication usage by known and suspected terrorists was studied through the NSA electronic surveillance program. On October 7, 2001, the United States invaded Afghanistan as part of a global War on Terrorism, aimed at rooting out al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and other terrorist organizations.[38]

In 2003, Bush launched the War in Iraq on March 20, 2003, under controversial grounds that Saddam Hussein's regime had weapons of mass destruction. Bush announced on May 1, 2003 from an aircraft carrier that major combat operations in Iraq were completed, with a "Mission Accomplished" banner serving as a backdrop. However, a guerilla war led by the Iraqi insurgency would continue for the remainder of the decade, resulting in the deaths of over 4,000 U.S. troops. Late in 2003, Hussein was captured, and was subsequently put to trial before the Iraqi people and executed in 2006.

In addition, Bush continued to pursue domestic issues, signing the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in 2003 and the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act in 2004.

George W. Bush was re-elected in November 2004, defeating Democratic contender John Kerry in the electoral vote, and receiving 50.7% of the popular vote against John Kerry's 48.3%. Republicans also made gains in both houses of Congress.

After seeing high approval ratings for much of his first term,[39][40] Bush's popularity plummeted to record lows in his second term, due to his handling of the prolonged Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina, and the 2008 financial crisis. Some major acts in Bush's second term included the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act, and the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Bush was succeeded on January 20, 2009 by a Democratic president, Barack Obama.

The Democratic Congress

Democrats swept to victory in the 2006 elections, making Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the first woman in that position, and electing record numbers of women and minorities. Upon winning the elections, the Democrats drew up a 100-Hour Plan of policy proposals upon assuming power in Congress. Major components of the plan included a pay-as-you-go plan for reducing the deficit; enacting the 9/11 Commission recommendations; increasing the federal minimum wage to $7.25 an hour; allowing the government to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies to secure lower drug prices for Medicare patients; and ending large tax subsidies for big oil companies to help foster energy independence.[41]

The 110th Congress did little to change the Iraq War except to pass a non-binding resolution against President Bush's troop surge. In addition, the House passed a $124 billion emergency spending measure for war funding with the stipulation of a phased troop withdrawal. President Bush vetoed the bill because of the proposal of scaling down forces, making this the second veto of his term.

During the months of May–June 2007, Ted Kennedy and other senators co-sponsored the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007. The purpose of this bill called for immigration reform under the intent of bringing amnesty and citizenship. On June 28 the Senate voted 53–45 for cloture, with 60 votes needed, spelling the end to the 2007 Immigration Bill.

Financial crisis and recession

Federal reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told a federal commission in November 2009:

"As a scholar of the Great Depression, I honestly believe that September and October of 2008 was the worst financial crisis in global history, including the Great Depression." Of the 13 most important U.S. financial institutions, "12 were at risk of failure within a period of a week or two."[42]

The Federal Reserve and the Treasury cooperated by pouring trillions into a financial system that had frozen up worldwide. They rescued most of the large financial corporations (except for Lehman Brothers which went bankrupt), and took government control of insurance giant AIG, mortgage banks Fanny May and Freddy Mac, and both General Motors and Chrysler.[43]

In October 2008, Bush sought, and Congress passed, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (commonly referred to as the "bank bailout"), which aimed to protect the U.S. financial system from complete collapse in wake of the late-2000s recession, which brought significant falls in the stock market. The bill provided guarantees by the federal government of up to $700 billion to troubled financial institutions through the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). However, by 2010, it was reported that only a fraction of that money was ever spent, as banks were able to quickly pay back loans from the federal government or ended up never needing the money.

Meanwhile unemployment doubled to nearly 10%, with states such as California and Michigan especially hard hit. While the stock market rebounded by 2011, and corporate profits had recovered, unemployment remained over 9% into 2011. The recession was worldwide, with Europe and Japan hard hit, while China, India and Canada fared much better.

The Obama administration

The nation went into the 2008 election cycle having a Republican president[44] and Democratic congress[45] both with extremely low approval ratings. The presidential elections saw the Republican John McCain, the senior Senator from Arizona, with his running mate Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska, run against the Democrat Barack Obama, the junior Senator from Illinois, with Joe Biden, the senior Senator from Delaware. The economic crisis of 2008 escalated in the late stages of the campaign and doomed McCain.[46] On November 4, 2008, Obama defeated McCain to become the 44th President of the United States, making history in becoming the first African-American to be elected to the highest executive office. Obama and Biden were inaugurated on January 20, 2009. Part of the strong showing came from a surge of support from younger voters, African Americans, Hispanics and independents. Democrats made further gains in Congress, adding to the majorities they had won in 2006.[47]

Obama's policy decisions have addressed a continuing global financial crisis[48] and have included changes in tax policies, foreign policy initiatives and the phasing out of detention of prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba.[49] Beginning in 2009, Obama withdrew U.S. troops from Iraq in large numbers, bringing the Iraq War to an end in December 2011. However, also in 2009, he increased troop levels in the Afghanistan War.[50]

Shortly after taking office, Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a bill aimed at stimulating the economy which provided $787 billion in federal funds for tax relief, as well as significant investments in infrastructure improvements, social welfare programs, education programs, healthcare, and housing. In March 2010, President Obama signed the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which made large reforms to the U.S. healthcare system. Throughout the spring of 2010, the Obama administration had to deal with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the largest oil spill in U.S. history, which resulted from a failed wellhead operated by BP that gushed oil for about 90 days, resulting in devastating impacts to the environment and to the economies of the Gulf Coast states.[51]

The U.S. also maintains ongoing talks, led by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program, as well as with Israel and the Palestinian Authority over a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In the 2010 elections, the GOP regained control of the House and reduced the Democratic majority in the Senate,[52][53] due to voters' continued frustration with the economy, high unemployment, and rising federal debt.[54] Voter frustration was partially fueled by the conservative Tea Party movement.[55]

In late 2010, Obama signed another stimulus package worth $858 billion that included continuation of all the Bush tax cuts of 2001, a cut in the federal estate tax, and a cut of two points in the Social Security tax that amounted to a 2% pay raise for most. During a highly-productive lame duck session of Congress, several other important measures passed including a repeal of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in the US Army and a major arms reduction treaty with Russia.[56]

On May 1, 2011, President Obama announced in a televised speech to the nation that al-Qaeda leader and culprit behind many deadly acts of terrorism (including the September 11 attacks) Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces at a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

See also


  1. ^ Greenspan, Alan (December 5, 1996). The Challenge of Central Banking in a Democratic Society (Speech). http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/speeches/1996/19961205.htm. 
  2. ^ "Study: Immigration grows, reaching record numbers". USATODAY.com. December 12, 2005.
  3. ^ "Immigration surge called 'highest ever'". Washington Times. December 12, 2005.
  4. ^ Dillon, Nancy (March 10, 2000). "NASDAQ hits the big time stock record lights up times square". New York Daily News. http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/money/2000/03/10/2000-03-10_nasdaq_hits_the_big_time___s.html. 
  5. ^ Shirley Anne Warshaw, The Clinton years (2004) p. 17
  6. ^ Derek H. Chollet, The road to the Dayton accords: a study of American statecraft (2005) p. 191
  7. ^ Barry Rubin and Judith Colp Rubin, Yasir Arafat: A Political Biography (2005) p. 204
  8. ^ John Callaway, "Learning the Hard Way," Naval War College Review, Winter 2009, Vol. 62 Issue 1, pp 107-122 covers the 1983 Beirut, Lebanon bombings, the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole.
  9. ^ Bush, George W. (January 29, 2002). "State of the Union address". Office of the Press Secretary. http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2002/01/20020129-11.html. 
  10. ^ "Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq". Office of the Press Secretary. October 2, 2002. http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2002/10/20021002-2.html. 
  11. ^ "International Surveys: What We Are Finding". Pew Research Center. April 29, 2002. http://people-press.org/commentary/display.php3?AnalysisID=46. 
  12. ^ {{cite web |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/16/world/middleeast/panetta-in-baghdad-for-iraq-military-handover-ceremony.html
  13. ^ Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck, American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing (2001)
  14. ^ "Violent Crime". Crime in the United States 2009. FBI. http://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2009/offenses/violent_crime/index.html. 
  15. ^ Nancy Abelmann and John Lie, Blue dreams: Korean Americans and the Los Angeles riots (1997)
  16. ^ Angie Cannon, 23 Days of Terror: The Compelling True Story of the Hunt and Capture of the Beltway Snipers (2003)
  17. ^ Gargis, Peggy; Harriet McLeod (2011-04-16). "Tornadoes, storms kill at least 17 in South". Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/16/us-weather-tornadoes-idUSTRE73F22I20110416. Retrieved 2011-04-16. 
  18. ^ "SPC Storm Reports for April 16, 2011". Storm Prediction Center. 2011-04-17. http://www.spc.noaa.gov/climo/reports/110416_rpts.html. Retrieved 2011-04-17. 
  19. ^ "Tornado outbreak is second deadliest in US history". April 30, 2011. http://www.france24.com/en/201104340-usa-tornadoes-storm-second-deadliest-US-history-alabama. Retrieved 30 April 2011. 
  20. ^ CNN (29 April 2011). "Rescue efforts transition to recovery in hard-hit Alabama". http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/04/29/severe.weather/index.html?hpt=T2/. Retrieved 29 April 2011. 
  21. ^ "Death Toll From Tornadoes Rises to 329". ABC. 2011-04-30. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=13495182. Retrieved 2011-04-30. 
  22. ^ "Heavy Rain/Severe Weather on April 23–27, 2011". National Weather Service. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. April 27, 2011. http://www.srh.noaa.gov/lzk/?n=hydro0411.htm. Retrieved April 28, 2011. 
  23. ^ Diana Rosenberg (May 18, 2011). "RMS: Insured Losses From Late April Tornadoes Could Reach $6 Billion". A.M. Best Company Inc.. http://www.insurancenewsnet.com/article.aspx?id=261515&type=propertycasualty. Retrieved May 20, 2011. 
  24. ^ Richard Esposito, Leezel Tangalo, Kevin Dolak and Michael Murray (May 23, 2011). "90 Dead in Joplin Missouri After Deadliest American Tornado in 60 Years". ABC News. http://abcnews.go.com/US/tornado-death-toll-hits-90-joplin-missouri-generation/story?id=13662193. Retrieved May 23, 2011. 
  25. ^ http://www.worldweatherpost.com/2011/05/25/deadly-tornadoes-rip-ok-ks-and-ar-high-tornado-risk-today-joplin-tornado-an-ef-5/
  26. ^ "Annual Energy Outlook 2010 with Projections to 2035". U.S. Energy Information Administration. May 11, 2010. http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/execsummary.html. 
  27. ^ Morgan Downey, Oil 101 (2009)
  28. ^ John D. Graham, Bush on the Home Front: Domestic Policy Triumphs and Setbacks (Indiana UP, 2010, pp 115-93
  29. ^ Timothy J. Considine, "The Economic Impacts of the Marcellus Shale: Implications for New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia," (2010) online
  30. ^ Graham, Bush on the Home Front p. 125
  31. ^ Holmes, Steven A. (November 5, 1992). "THE 1992 ELECTIONS: DISAPPOINTMENT -- NEWS ANALYSIS An Eccentric but No Joke; Perot's Strong Showing Raises Questions On What Might Have Been, and Might Be". The New York Times. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE0DB1F3FF936A35752C1A964958260. Retrieved May 4, 2010. 
  32. ^ Lawrence, Jill (September 12, 2004). "Federal ban on assault weapons expires". USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2004-09-12-weapons-ban_x.htm. 
  33. ^ a b "Clinton, Hillary (1947 -)". Biography.com. 2008. http://www.biography.com/articles/Hillary-Clinton-9251306. Retrieved 2008-06-20. 
  34. ^ Clinton, Bill (1998-01-28). "Remarks by the President at the After-School Program Event". The White House, Office of the Press Secretary. http://clinton2.nara.gov/WH/New/html/19980126-3087.html. Retrieved 2009-10-17. 
  35. ^ Clinton, Hillary (1998-01-27). The Today Show. NBC. Interview with Matt Lauer.
  36. ^ Baker, Peter; Dewar, Helen (February 13, 1999). "The Senate Acquits President Clinton". Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/stories/impeach021399.htm. 
  37. ^ "Roberts Wants Damage Assessment Caused by New York Times Report". Fox News. 2006-06-27. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,201259,00.html. Retrieved 2008-08-21. 
  38. ^ "Defense officials: Air operation to last 'several days'". CNN. October 7, 2001. http://archives.cnn.com/2001/US/10/07/ret.attack.pentagon/. 
  39. ^ "Bush Job Approval at 28%, Lowest of His Administration". Gallup Poll. April 11, 2008. http://www.gallup.com/poll/106426/Bush-Job-Approval-28-Lowest-Administration.aspx. Retrieved January 20, 2009. 
  40. ^ "Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent". CBS. January 16, 2009. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/01/16/opinion/polls/main4728399.shtml. Retrieved 209–01–29. 
  41. ^ Michael Barone, and Richard E. Cohen, The Almanac of American Politics 2010 (2009)
  42. ^ Quoted in Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Financial Crisis Inquiry Report (2011) online, ch. 20 p 354
  43. ^ Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Financial Crisis Inquiry Report (2011); and "Resource Library" online
  44. ^ "George W. Bush Presidential Job Approval". Gallup. 2009-01-11. http://www.gallup.com/poll/116500/Presidential-Approval-Ratings-George-Bush.aspx. Retrieved 2009-10-17. 
  45. ^ "Congress: Job Ratings". PollingReport.com. http://www.pollingreport.com/CongJob.htm. Retrieved 2009-10-17. 
  46. ^ Daniel J. Balz and Haynes Johnson, The Battle for America 2008: The Story of an Extraordinary Election (2009); ch 26 is "Palinmania"; ch 27, on the economy is "Collapse"
  47. ^ Chuck Todd, and Sheldon Gawiser, How Barack Obama Won: A State-by-State Guide to the Historic 2008 Presidential Election (2009)
  48. ^ "Obama Signs $787 Billion Stimulus Package". FOXNews.com. 2009-02-17. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/02/17/obama-signs-billion-stimulus-legislation/. Retrieved 2009-10-17. 
  49. ^ Obama, Barack (2009-01-22). "Executive order -- review and disposition of individuals detained at the Guantánamo Bay Naval Base and closure of detention facilities". The White House. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/ClosureOfGuantanamoDetentionFacilities/. Retrieved 2009-10-17. 
  50. ^ http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/01/world/asia/01orders.html
  51. ^ William Freudenburg and Robert Gramling, Blowout in the Gulf: The BP Oil Spill Disaster and the Future of Energy in America (2010)
  52. ^ "America's Election HQ Midterm 2010 Map". FoxNews.com. http://www.foxnews.com/interactive/politics/election-map-2010/. Retrieved November 8, 2010. 
  53. ^ "Election Results 2010: Senate". New York Times. http://elections.nytimes.com/2010/results/senate. Retrieved November 8, 2010. 
  54. ^ http://www.portfolio.com/business-news/2010/11/02/republicans-win-big-in-2010-midtem-elections/
  55. ^ Kate Zernike, "Tea Party Set to Win Enough Races for Wide Influence," New York Times Oct. 14, 2010
  56. ^ "'Lame Duck' Session", New York Times Dec. 29, 2010

Further reading

  • Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, and David W. Rohde. Change and Continuity in the 2004 and 2006 Elections (2007), 324pp
  • Alter, Jonathan. The Promise: President Obama, Year One (2010) table of contents, excerpt, search
  • Barone, Michael. The Almanac of American Politics (1992 and every 2 years to 2010), highly detailed coverage of electoral politics and Congress.
  • Berman, William C. From the Center to the Edge: The Politics and Policies of the Clinton Presidency (2001) 160pp
  • Edwards III, George C. and Desmond King, eds. The Polarized Presidency of George W. Bush (2007), 478pp; essays by scholars
  • Hyland, William G. Clinton's World: Remaking American Foreign Policy (1999)
  • Levy, Peter. Encyclopedia of the Clinton Presidency (2002), 400pp; 230 articles, focus on politics
  • Congressional Quarterly. Congress and the Nation 1993-1997: A Review of Government and Politics: 103rd and 104th Congresses (1998); Congress and the Nation 1997-2001: A Review of Government and Politics: 105th and 106th Congresses (2002). Congress and the Nation 2001-2005: A Review of Government and Politics: 107th and 108th Congresses (2007). Highly detailed nonpartisan coverage (1200 pp each) of all political issues, including presidency
  • Gillon, Steve. The pact: Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, and the rivalry that defined a generation‎ (2008) 342 pages
  • Patterson, James T. Restless Giant: The United States from Watergate to Bush vs. Gore (2005), Oxford History of the United States
  • Stiglitz, Joseph E. The Roaring Nineties: A New History of the World's Most Prosperous Decade (2004) economic history
  • Zelizer, Julian E., ed. The Presidency of George W. Bush: A First Historical Assessment (Princeton University Press; 2010) 386 pages

Primary sources

  • Bush, George W. Decision Points (2010)
  • Clinton, Bill. My Life (2004).
  • Greenspan, Alan. The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World (2007), memoir by head of Federal Reserve

External links